
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Simple Things

In this time of rush rush holiday manic madness, I feel overwhelmed. Too many lists, too many menu plans and special dishes to prepare, too many events, too many projects (with deadlines!). Compound that with four energetic kids whose excitement grows every day closer to Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, the Advent season leading up to it, and especially entertaining friends in our home. It is good work, but extra work nonetheless.

This week I've been struck by simple beauty - the yellow leaves outside our window. They remind me of the Mallorn trees of Lothlorian described in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Yes, autumn is slow to share her colors with us in the Southeast, but she is worth the waiting. So in December, in the midst of stashing gifts out of sight, I walk into my bedroom into a yellow glow. The sun shines through the leaves and it becomes a different place. There is a stillness and awe to the beauty my cheap camera cannot capture. The bustle bends the knee.

And then there's yarn. You all know I knit. Quite a bit, actually. But it never ceases to amaze me how wonderfully simple and elegant yarn is! Today it hit me while spinning on my drop spindle. A simple twist transforms rough wool into a quivering line, hanging in space. Such order, such simplicity. The tangled becomes useful. For a moment, I see a clear purpose in my tangled life. Salmon string speaks.

I will remember these lessons from the leaves and yarn. Pause a moment in the bustle and see the brightness of the humble beginnings of our Savior. The One who brings order and purpose to the tangled mess we are. Keep the simple things.

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