
Monday, June 5, 2017

Then Sings my Soul

Hello! I've been absent here a bit - the past two weeks have seen a lot of house guests over here. Relatives, much fun but wow, am I tired out from it all! Just as the last guest was leaving, my teen daughter fell on the lawn and dislocated her kneecap. Ouch! She's recovering but needs lot of help from me. 

In the midst of this, I decided to challenge myself by painting a page in my sketchbook each day this month. That may not sound like a big deal, but some days it's really hard to pull myself away from life and sit down to paint. I'm not the first to do this kind of challenge, and reading how it has helped other artists grow was inspiring. I hope to work on developing my own style and refine my skills with some of the tools I use.

Here's yesterday, Day 4:

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